Information to help our guests learn about visiting Saint Augustine's House.
Guest Information
Prayer and Liturgy
Being a monastic community focused on prayer, participation in liturgical services is an important part of your time here. Guests are welcome and encouraged to attend all prayer offices but should normally be present for at least the Holy Eucharist, Sext, Vespers and Compline.
Holy Communion may be received by all who are baptized, who desire to receive the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, and who are able to receive Holy Communion in their own church.
It is helpful to come several minutes before each service in order to find your place in the service books and to receive any assistance you may require. Please do not extinguish candles after services, since special care needs to be taken for this.
If you are unfamiliar with the liturgy, please look to the residents for times to sit, stand, and bow.
Since most of the liturgy is sung or chanted in unison unaccompanied, it is necessary to keep several points in mind: always sing softly, never so loud as not to be able to hear the community; men should not attempt to sing in the lower register; please allow the leader to intone the first line or phrase of psalms or hymns to set the tone and pace.
It is not necessary to have any extraordinary singing ability to participate in the liturgy; however, if you are truly unable to sing without causing marked dissonance, it may be best to participate inaudibly or nearly so. This will not usually be a problem if it is remembered that good singing begins with careful listening.
Certain periods of the day are set aside for silence: in the morning until after the Holy Eucharist; after dinner between 1:00 and 2:30 p.m.; and in the evening after Compline. Please avoid unnecessary or loud conversation during these times. If you have a question or need, please ask in as brief and quiet a way as possible.
After Compline, all should retire to their rooms for sleep or quiet activities. Please be sure to have all your needs addressed so that you will not need to be in and out of your room or the building after Compline.
At all times please be sensitive to and respectful of the desire residents and guests have for silence or solitude!
Dinner and supper follow Sext and Vespers respectively. Please return from the chapel after those offices and wait in the dining area of the house for the ringing of a bell, which is the signal to come to the table. This usually involves only a few minutes wait. Everyone is expected to arrive promptly for meals. If you are not going to be present at a meal, please let a resident know. Please do not assist preparing the table or cleaning up unless you have been asked to do so. If you are helping, please remain outside of the kitchen.
Breakfast is eaten in silence on a self-serve basis. Bread, cereal, coffee, tea, milk, and juice will be available in the dining area after Lauds until 7:15 a.m. On ordinary weekdays the main meal is usually eaten in silence listening to a taped lecture or book.
Ordinary Wednesdays and Fridays are observed as fast days. Dinner is not served on these days, but simple foods will be available after Sext for those who wish to serve themselves. Breakfast and Supper are served as usual.
If you need something outside of mealtimes, please ask a resident to help you with your need. If you have dietary restrictions and need to bring your own food, there is a small refrigerator in the Bruegger Hall kitchenette that you may use.
Digital Devices
Digital devices with sound may be used with earphones at any time. Devices may not be played out loud during quiet times (after Compline until after Mass and 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.). At all times be aware that the rooms are not soundproof. Especially keep this in mind if you are having a phone conversation in your room.
Your bedroom should provide you with privacy and solitude. In warm weather you may open your window, but first be sure the twist latch on the side of the window is released. Bed sheets, blankets, and towels are provided in the rooms. If you have need for cleaning supplies, please make a resident aware. If there is anything that needs attention in your room, please inform a resident.
Guests are not expected to do any particular work. If, however, you feel your retreat would be enhanced by a time of work, there are often simple tasks or chores with which guests can help. Please inquire.
The library on the lower level of the north wing is available for your use. If you remove books from the shelves, please place them on the librarian’s desk. If you wish to take a book from the library, please check them out using the sign out sheet near the stairway. Books must be returned to the library before departure. Reference materials may not be taken from the library.
Smoking is allowed only out of doors. When smoking please take every precaution against fire and do not litter the grounds.
Guests are welcome to hike and enjoy our 42 acres of mostly wooded property. Out of consideration for our brothers at St. Benedict’s Monastery just east of us, we ask that you not wander on their grounds unless previous arrangements have been made.
St. Augustine’s House is partially supported though the free donations of retreatants. There is no fixed fee for a retreat. Because we are asked so often, we suggest $40-50 per day. Offer what you are able and do not be troubled.
Arrival and Departure
If you wish to make a retreat, please write, phone, or e-mail for reservations. It is helpful for meal planning to know if you plan on arriving in time for dinner or supper. Guests must arrive during the day between 8:00 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. If you are not going to be able to arrive at your pre-arranged time, be sure to call so that adjustments may be made.
Departing guests may assist by removing the sheets from their beds and leaving them along with used towels on the floor of the room.
Weekday Schedule
Guests are welcome to attend and participate in all of our liturgical services.
5:10 AM
Hymn, Psalms, two readings, Te Deum
6:00 AM
Hymn, Psalms, reading, Benedictus
followed by breakfast and reading -
8:15 AM
Hymn, Psalms
Holy Eucharist
8:30 AM
followed by Little Chapter then a Work Period
12:00 PM
Hymn, Psalms
followed by dinner; rest period or reading -
2:30 PM
Hymn, Psalms
followed by a period of work -
6:00 PM
Hymn, Psalms, reading Magnificat
then supper and free time -
8:30 PM
followed by silence until Vigils
Schedule on Sundays and Holy Days
Same as on weekdays except as follows:
9:00 AM
Hymn, Psalms
Holy Eucharist
10:00 AM
followed by Coffee Hour and Dinner;
12:00 PM
prayed privately or at an appointed time
2:30 PM
prayed privately or at an appointed time