Monday Housekeeping –
The new web site is up and running and I am trying to get up to speed on the management of it; thank you for your patience. In the coming days there may be some slight delays and hiccups in posts, and they will be due to me and my gray hair not the kind mind who designed and set up our new site who you will learn about later (hint: it’s not me!). Even this very post is a kind of test for me as I work to get into the groove. Meanwhile, thank you all for your interest in St. Augustine’s House, and your continued attention and patience. We try to keep one foot in the 21st century while we remain rooted in our timeless faith. Most of all we keep in our head and heart a focus on the glorious future that awaits us. Lest you think we are “stuck in the past”, recall that our hope is in the life to come. ~Daniel, webkeeper.