Monday Housekeeping – Wigton Organ

Wigton Pipe Organ –

The Wigton organ, newly installed in the Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Augustine’s House, is visually complete. The pipe shades are finished and the star for the Zimbelstern is installed. Fr. Jude crafted the pipe shades in the wood shop at St. Augustine’s House.

One stop remains to be installed and we expect it early in the new year. A few other tweaks remain such as a rear-view mirror, a modest rail between the bench and clergy chairs, and an easily movable cabinet for the organist to store and stage books for liturgies and programs. The blower is placed within and behind the narthex wall and some finishing work remains in that space.

We owe gratitude to Dr. George Weckman, Associate, long-time friend and benefactor of the community, for his generous donation that allowed the purchase of this 1975 organ. Completion of the instrument was made possible with various other gifts directed to the organ. We believe that we have practiced careful stewardship in acquiring this instrument. The fine local builder, David Wigton, has skillfully and artfully led us through this process and I cannot imagine this organ without his involvement.

In May we will host a Friday night recital by Dr. Scott Hyslop of St. Lorenz Lutheran Church, Frankenmuth, Mich. The following Sunday he will return to lead a Hymn Festival, details TBA. Meanwhile a long-promised series of shorter recitals will start soon; it’s taken longer to get this off the ground than we anticipated. Some short recordings should be forthcoming.

Thank you for your support. Pray for our faithfulness!
