Saint Ambrose Hymnody

December 7 – St. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan

An Advent hymn, words by Ambrose.
Martin Luther based his Nun Komm, der Heiden heiland (Savior of the nations, come) on it.

Veni redemptor gentium

1-Redeemer of the nations, come; reveal yourself in virgin birth,
the birth which ages all adore, a wondrous birth, befitting God.

2-From human will you do not spring, but from the Spirit of our God;
O Word of God, come; take our flesh and grow as child in Mary’s womb.

3-You came forth from the eternal God, and you returned to that same source.
You suffered death and harrowed hell, and reigned once more from God’s high throne.

4-With God the Father you are one, and one with us in human flesh.
Oh, fill our weak and dying frame with godly strength which never fails.

5-Your cradle shines with glory’s light; its splendor pierces all our gloom.
Our faith reflects those radiant beams; no night shall over come it now.